From the articles, it shows that designers have always come up with something innovative and useful to serve people’s demands since the early days. They are able to change the design of the objects according to the changes in the society and what are available at that time, that’s including the materials as well as aesthetics. What interesting about these objects is that even though it’s been decades the design of it still remains pretty relevant and seems useful and we’ve seen those designs been carried through till now but with a little change. Seeing the old designs, I’m still able to tell what the particular objects were made for and what modern objects does it resemble and I’m almost certain that those objects can be useful if we use it in the present day.
Not only the clever designs, but some of the objects also show the relevancy of the design that remains timeless for instance the obvious one has to be LEGO one of the most iconic toys of all time, and kids around the world have been growing up with. With a very simple function, LEGO is able to rise in the toy industry because it allows kids or even adult to explore their creativity. When it comes to the functionalities, I think it’s crucial to have the function go together with the striking design like a baby stroller for example not only does it have to be sturdy and light but without the foldable function it wouldn’t be very useful for keepsake and also portability. In terms of value, I think different objects were given different value depending on the intentions behind the design, materials, functionality, and who it is made for because not all objects are made for everyone there are some certain demographic it’s for or simply just because the artist wants to show the objects they owned but with a different perception. About who gets to decides what an object is worth personally I think it’s depends on various reasons such as the demand in the market and how essential it is but it also has to come from the designer’s intention as well whether certain objects are intentionally for sales or just to exhibit. Some objects might have to be affordable to grab people’s attention and that’s because it was made for convenient reasons or some objects can be expensive because of the materials and how hard it is to produce.
Lastly according to the articles what I’ve noticed the difference between an art object and a design objects are that a design object is made with functionality and to introduce a new and more efficient way to use an object on the other hands an art object is made to convey some sort of messages the artist wants to tell and it does not matter if it’s functional or not but more important is the new point of view it’s presented.